Theatres and Cinemas

D. Bernardes Theatre

tdiogobernardesPonte de Lima

Diogo Bernardes Theatre, in Ponte de Lima, was built in 1893 and opened in 1896, from the interest of a group of locals led by João Rodrigues de Morais.

It is an Italian architecture theatre, fully restored and refurbished since 1999, that has carefully kept its initial structure.

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Sá de Miranda Theatre

teatrosademirandaViana do Castelo

The Sá de Miranda Theatre in Viana do Castelo, was inaugurated on 29 April, 1885.

Its construction was due to the efforts of a group of prominent personalities that created in 1879, the Companhia de Fomento Vianense with the aim of building a “civilizing building”.

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Salas Cineplace

cinemaViana do Castelo

The Cineplace cinemas have a vast program of films and session times. All cinemas are served by a ticket office and a bar.

Estação Viana Shopping
Avenida General Humberto Delgado, n.º 101
Viana do Castelo

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